Contact us for pricing and availability for private events.

  • Birthday Parties

  • Corporate Events

  • Holiday Parties

  • Movie Nights/Game Nights (equipped with screen, sound, Projector)

  • Themed Dinners

  • Private Magic show

In addition to our main “Mortuary” space, we also offer a connected area featuring a fully seated table, fireplace, and amenities including a computer and TV, ideal for larger events.

Private Event

dimly lit, brick-walled office with typewriter, desk lamp, filing cabinet, candles, and countdown timer
Funeral setting with casket, candles, and chairs. Opening room at Missing at the Mortuary Pasadena Escape room and tour Lamb Mortuary Chop Shop
Dark door with a sign labeled 'Morgue' and keypad lock.  Opening room at Missing at the Mortuary Pasadena Escape room and tour Lamb Mortuary Chop Shop True Crime

